Lately, things seem to have been working out, I'm getting something similar to that feeling I had when I first came to NY and it seem like luck is back on my side.
When I first came here, it seemed like things were really going my way. I felt different, it was a new beginning, full of promise. I saw celebrities, I met great people, I got offered a job to work on the Sopranos.
But things didn't go so well as time progressed. I got quickly bogged down from the stresses of NY. I didn't see any more people, I had no friends, that job offer went out because I was confident in my abilities as an artist to follow through (i.e. I was afraid to call the guy back, and when I did finally a month later he never called me.). Also, adjusting to things such as the general rush of the city and living 90min away from what I consider fun and interesting things also took it's toll on me.
But somehow, things are back on track. After probably my lowest point in NY, I started experiencing those type like I mentioned before. I saw Graham Norton (around 8th ave and 13th st) and Yoko Ono (starbucks on astor pl) in the same day. I've been meeting great people through my ad on craigslist and I finally found out I'll be getting my financial aid money soon. So I feel happy that I can get an apartment closer to the city in January.
So anyway, last night...went to MOMA, saw some interesting artwork. Afterwards I went to a Japanese restaurant with my friend and his friends. Good times. I drew a picture of the waitress, which she has, so sorry, you can't see it. She said she'd frame it and bought me a drink. After I slept over my friends apt and had a crazy time trying to get to an interview tomorrow which I missed anyway.

I look pretty emotionless...but I was having fun, maybe I was just trying to keep my composure because I drank a bit much.