The title isn't really important, I just like the word. Actually, today I'm not feeling so well...my mind feels kind of empty and I feel a bit worried somehow. Partly because I had a conversation today about love and relationships that left me feeling a little dissapointed... Anyway, what's also interesting is that "Karappo" sounds like the word for frog in Creole (my mother's native language is Haitian-Creole)
Monday was my last day of school before summer. So now I'm off...free for until the end of August.
In the end, this semester wasn't so bad. In school I did well...not the best I could've but I'm proud of a few of the things I accomplished and worked on.
In my own life, things have been a little bit easier, a little less stressful, I've met good people, had a little success in my love life (which I'm a little worried about now...but I write about that another time) and have improved on who I am and will be.
My last day of school was great...but very tiring. The night before I drank...a lot, it has been a very very long time since I have drunk, not to mention the quantity that I drunk. So I got home at3-4am. I had school at 8:30am unfortunately...so I got to school late...and missed half of my first class, figure drawing II.
When I arrived, my teacher expressed his concern for me coming in late, but he didn't make a big deal about it, and was glad i came at all. Until that point, the two best students in the class were missing, so now that I came, only one was missing.
We had a critique that day, and when it was my turn the teacher really gave me a lot of compliments. He was happy that I accomplished so much and grew as an artist, he said that everyone in the class should work to be as good as I am, because I was bold and fearless in my appraoch to drawing and my work was very well done.
I was moved by his small speech, and I talked for a few minutes about my work before class finished.
My second class was ok, we didn't do much, but I gave my teacher a promotional mailer that I made and she suggested that I send it out to a few magazines so that I can get some freelance work. I'm excited to do that.
So, I'm gonna print about 100 copies over the next few days, anyone reading this that wants one, please contact me with your address and I will be glad to send it to you.
Anyway, after that I was really worn out, and after a brief volunteer session I slept for a while.
I posted much of the final work I did for my figure drawing II class and my painting II class.
Most of them are sketches, but some are more completed pieces. The last 3 are over sized, maybe about 5'X5' the one in total ink is my favorite. The last one is my second favorite. For it I used ink, pencil and also ripped paper the I had put ink on and worked on top of it to give me a wider range of tone. It worked quite well and shows how far I have progressed as an artist since coming to New York.
As for the paintings...honestly I'm not very proud of any them, but I do like the flower pot and fruits, I wanted to add some more things to it, but my teacher wouldn't have it, she wanted to put it up. All of the paintings I posted are on display at my school if you would like to see them.