Oh man, what a day...
I have no idea how long I have been up, but in the last 24 hours I've gotten very few hours of sleep.
Anyway, I'm in Narita International Airport waiting for my connecting flight to Fukuoka. I had a lot of close calls though, and almost didn't make it.
It all started yesterday (actually 2 days ago since it's 4pm wednesday here)...
I had completed just about everything that I needed to do, all my errands, packing, mental preparation and what not. After all that all that was left to do was wait...
Unfortunately, that mix of nervousness and excitement led to me being very impatient and increased things on the nervousness. Early that morning I had received an e-mail asking me if I would like to do early check in. I thought that I should just wait since it probably only benefits people who don't have to check in anything, but at this point in time I thought I would give it a try anyway.
So, I log on and there's a problem...
My e-ticket isn't matching up.
I call United and they tell me that my flight was canceled and they have to reroute me from JFK to Newark. When I asked why this happened, they explained that it was a problem with the crew, in other words not enough people showed up to work.
A WTF moment if I ever did see one.
So, of course this inconvenienced me. I had planned to take the subway/airtrain to the airport and it would've cost me about $5.
To go to Jersey takes a little more effort, so I ended up reserving a super shuttle.
So my time arrives. My flight was leaving at 7:29am, but I have super shuttle come at 2:30 just in case. I get to the airport around 3:30, but the counters don't open until 4:30. Finally, they open and I got to the counter and put my info in...
Nothing works...
"Um, I need some help, nothing's working..." I said to a nearby attendant.
"Where are you flying to?"
"All morning flights to Chicago were canceled"
I was about to break upon hearing this news...
I called united immediately.
Turns out that the pilots didn't show up this time, and the guy on the phone that there was one more chance for me to get to Chicago to get all my flights, but I had to catch a 7:00am flight at LaGuardia.
It was 5am, and I had to check in by 6am...
I rushed out, and luckily I met some people in the same predicament who shared cab from me. I was also grateful for crazy ny/nj cab drivers, because he got us there in 30min.
Finally, I made it.
Since that point there were no problems, and I'm in Tokyo now.
But what really pissed me off about this whole situation is that didn't warn me both times my flight was canceled...I was signed up and everything and I even complained about it after the first cancellation.
Though, my flight was really long and my neck hurts, but that's almost without saying...
Anyway, I'm kinda tired now. I'll update when I get to Fukuoka.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Catching Up
Third and final post of the day. I just want to play catch up and present some points about things that I've done.
-I was very very busy starting in September, it became too much and I had to quit going to the Art Student's League for classes. I really like it there and hope to go back.
-I've gotten more used to my dayjob, I'm not sure if that's a good thing.
-I haven't gotten any more Illustration assignments lately, but I am in the newest issue of Women for Hire Magazine.
-I started freelancing as a Japanese-English translator, I like it a lot.
-My girlfriend has been in Japan since July. It's had its ups and downs and I realize more than even that long distance relationships aren't easy, but we've managed and it's been really good recently.
-I'm going to Japan from Dec.25-Jan. 3rd. I'll be around Fukuoka most of the time and in Osaka for a day or two.
-I'm taking the JLPT level 2 test the first week of December. I've been studying everyday.
-For my girlfriend's birthday I made a video for her. We've been watching Flight of the Conchords since summer and we both love the show so I made a video using there song.
-I got an e-mail on youtube from Jermaine Clement saying that he thought my video was funny. That was pretty cool.
-I'll be in Miami from the 22nd until the 27th.
I think that's about it for now. Here are some sketches and paintings that I've done recently. Most of them are watercolors from my time at the Art Student's League.

-I was very very busy starting in September, it became too much and I had to quit going to the Art Student's League for classes. I really like it there and hope to go back.
-I've gotten more used to my dayjob, I'm not sure if that's a good thing.
-I haven't gotten any more Illustration assignments lately, but I am in the newest issue of Women for Hire Magazine.
-I started freelancing as a Japanese-English translator, I like it a lot.
-My girlfriend has been in Japan since July. It's had its ups and downs and I realize more than even that long distance relationships aren't easy, but we've managed and it's been really good recently.
-I'm going to Japan from Dec.25-Jan. 3rd. I'll be around Fukuoka most of the time and in Osaka for a day or two.
-I'm taking the JLPT level 2 test the first week of December. I've been studying everyday.
-For my girlfriend's birthday I made a video for her. We've been watching Flight of the Conchords since summer and we both love the show so I made a video using there song.
-I got an e-mail on youtube from Jermaine Clement saying that he thought my video was funny. That was pretty cool.
-I'll be in Miami from the 22nd until the 27th.
I think that's about it for now. Here are some sketches and paintings that I've done recently. Most of them are watercolors from my time at the Art Student's League.

The Party That You Missed
Two posts in one day...with one more to come.
So, I had a party on Halloween.
It all started a few weeks ago. My roomates and I had settled on watching Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer much to our suffering, because there really wasn't much else to do. As expected it was a terrible, terrible movie.
Not just bad, not awesomely bad like Gymkata, it had no redeeming qualities at all. Not even the lure of seeing an almost naked Jessica Alba (who I don't even really think is that hot) can give this any kind of absolution.
It sucks. Plain and simple.
Anyway, we were watching it, letting our brains shrivel into blackened prune like masses when we heard a strange sound eminating from the window. Looking outside, we saw a band of Mariachi's, all dressed up, seranading a darkened window.
This was a very puzzling moment for me. It was probably 9-10pm in the middle of Washington Heights and here I am overlooking a bunch of Mariachi's mid-serenade. I do live in New York, so I'm not surprised. But in comparison, my neighborhood is a quiet place and nothing to strange happens so I had to kind of process the moment.
Seeing that this probably wasn't going to happen for a while, and starved for entertainment after watching bottomless pit into which all mirth and merriment go, but never return I decided I should record this moment...and put it on youtube.
My roomates went to ahead of me as I scrambled for my camcorder. Moments later I finally arrived and began filming. I didn't stay for long, I didn't care much for the Mariachi's as much as for the experience.
But on the way back, as were heading back into out apartment we caught glimpse of the neighbors who live across from us. He was having a party it seemed.
We had caught each other so it was one of those situations where we had to say something. I don't know if it was because he was drunk or if it was because we were caught in this moment of forced neighborly behavior, but he invited us in.
The party itself was ok. My neighbors are classical musicians, and their friends were birds of the same feather. It was a little awkward to talk to any of his friends or even them because I know next to nothing about that kind of life.
But as we sat there mostly looking around aimlessly and trying to think of things to comment on in our environs it dawned upon us that we could do this. Why haven't we had a party all the time. Well the clear answer is that we're pretty lazy, but also things like previous to this, most of us hadn't yet established ourselves, so we would have no one to invite.
But now was the time.
So, there we go, that was the impetus to the creation of our first party. Halloween was soon approaching, so it became a Halloween party.
When it came down to it, it was a surpring success. I had hope for it, but when the clock started ticking my confidence faded. I was extremely busy the week preceeding because I had a gig doing freelance translation. Because of that I wasn't as prepared and didn't get to do as much as I had planned for the party. I basically felt that none of my friends would come and that it would be a bomb, the antithesis of "the bomb or Da Bomb."
I tried anyway though, I did still have my hope, so I invited who I could and tried to promote.
The day of the party came and I had recieved various phone calls and messages since the day before from my friends...just about all of them were. "Sorry" or "Not sure I can make it," things like that. Now, I shouldn't have been dissapointed because I think I do that too people all the time, and I can't forget that I did do everything a bit last second...but I was.
The party had already started and we sat in our living room marianating on our couches to one of our mixes...and hour or so passed and no one came.
I decided that I need to do something. In my anxiousness I set out to rent a video game for Wii since we only had 2 games. I found nothing...but on the way back from the store I received a call from my friend saying he was in my area.
Great! Finally someone came! But I was still worried that he would probably be the only person there. As I came in another peron was there, so the condition seemed to be improving.
Soon after more and more people came about 13-15 people were in my apartment at one time. We had cake, drinks and Wii. A trifecta of party success. Soon my anxieties were relieved.
Though, the one guy that came at the begining was my only exclusive friend that came... I have to be honest and say that I was dissapointed by that. I do realize it's not a big deal and I don't hold it against anyone who didn't come.
But other than that, a good time was had by all. There were interesting conversations, an "interesting" guest or two, and connections were made. This is what a party is all about. Yes...
Anyway, here are the pictures. Enjoy.

So, I had a party on Halloween.
It all started a few weeks ago. My roomates and I had settled on watching Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer much to our suffering, because there really wasn't much else to do. As expected it was a terrible, terrible movie.
Not just bad, not awesomely bad like Gymkata, it had no redeeming qualities at all. Not even the lure of seeing an almost naked Jessica Alba (who I don't even really think is that hot) can give this any kind of absolution.
It sucks. Plain and simple.
Anyway, we were watching it, letting our brains shrivel into blackened prune like masses when we heard a strange sound eminating from the window. Looking outside, we saw a band of Mariachi's, all dressed up, seranading a darkened window.
This was a very puzzling moment for me. It was probably 9-10pm in the middle of Washington Heights and here I am overlooking a bunch of Mariachi's mid-serenade. I do live in New York, so I'm not surprised. But in comparison, my neighborhood is a quiet place and nothing to strange happens so I had to kind of process the moment.
Seeing that this probably wasn't going to happen for a while, and starved for entertainment after watching bottomless pit into which all mirth and merriment go, but never return I decided I should record this moment...and put it on youtube.
My roomates went to ahead of me as I scrambled for my camcorder. Moments later I finally arrived and began filming. I didn't stay for long, I didn't care much for the Mariachi's as much as for the experience.
But on the way back, as were heading back into out apartment we caught glimpse of the neighbors who live across from us. He was having a party it seemed.
We had caught each other so it was one of those situations where we had to say something. I don't know if it was because he was drunk or if it was because we were caught in this moment of forced neighborly behavior, but he invited us in.
The party itself was ok. My neighbors are classical musicians, and their friends were birds of the same feather. It was a little awkward to talk to any of his friends or even them because I know next to nothing about that kind of life.
But as we sat there mostly looking around aimlessly and trying to think of things to comment on in our environs it dawned upon us that we could do this. Why haven't we had a party all the time. Well the clear answer is that we're pretty lazy, but also things like previous to this, most of us hadn't yet established ourselves, so we would have no one to invite.
But now was the time.
So, there we go, that was the impetus to the creation of our first party. Halloween was soon approaching, so it became a Halloween party.
When it came down to it, it was a surpring success. I had hope for it, but when the clock started ticking my confidence faded. I was extremely busy the week preceeding because I had a gig doing freelance translation. Because of that I wasn't as prepared and didn't get to do as much as I had planned for the party. I basically felt that none of my friends would come and that it would be a bomb, the antithesis of "the bomb or Da Bomb."
I tried anyway though, I did still have my hope, so I invited who I could and tried to promote.
The day of the party came and I had recieved various phone calls and messages since the day before from my friends...just about all of them were. "Sorry" or "Not sure I can make it," things like that. Now, I shouldn't have been dissapointed because I think I do that too people all the time, and I can't forget that I did do everything a bit last second...but I was.
The party had already started and we sat in our living room marianating on our couches to one of our mixes...and hour or so passed and no one came.
I decided that I need to do something. In my anxiousness I set out to rent a video game for Wii since we only had 2 games. I found nothing...but on the way back from the store I received a call from my friend saying he was in my area.
Great! Finally someone came! But I was still worried that he would probably be the only person there. As I came in another peron was there, so the condition seemed to be improving.
Soon after more and more people came about 13-15 people were in my apartment at one time. We had cake, drinks and Wii. A trifecta of party success. Soon my anxieties were relieved.
Though, the one guy that came at the begining was my only exclusive friend that came... I have to be honest and say that I was dissapointed by that. I do realize it's not a big deal and I don't hold it against anyone who didn't come.
But other than that, a good time was had by all. There were interesting conversations, an "interesting" guest or two, and connections were made. This is what a party is all about. Yes...
Anyway, here are the pictures. Enjoy.

A taste of Miami
Just a quick thing before I go into some more serious writing.
I was looking around on youtube and came across this video.
I actually had no idea that "Chonga" was a Miami thing. I mean, I knew of them but hadn't actually heard the word until my roomate had used the word to describe the type of girls that make up the bulk of my neighborhood in New York.
These are a bit old (7 months is old on the intertubes), but now you can get a taste of "Miami."
I was looking around on youtube and came across this video.
I actually had no idea that "Chonga" was a Miami thing. I mean, I knew of them but hadn't actually heard the word until my roomate had used the word to describe the type of girls that make up the bulk of my neighborhood in New York.
These are a bit old (7 months is old on the intertubes), but now you can get a taste of "Miami."
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Dump 9.2.07
Just posting a few things that I've done lately or things that I didn't post before.
Alright, first off, I managed to scan in one of my final assignments from school. We were suppose to draw a model, then abstract it.

Here are some charcoal drawings I did in a class I took at the Stundent's Art League with Nelson Shanks.

and finally some sketches I've done recently

Alright, first off, I managed to scan in one of my final assignments from school. We were suppose to draw a model, then abstract it.

Here are some charcoal drawings I did in a class I took at the Stundent's Art League with Nelson Shanks.

and finally some sketches I've done recently

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Update + Event Info
I don't have much time to write today so I'm going to write this in English first.
Anyway, today's updates serves two purposes.
The first is to update everyone on what I've been up to the past few weeks, i.e. a
photo dump.
The second is to make note of an event that I will taking part in this weekend.
Alright, on with the photos.
First, after I graduated, I had a small exhibition with my graduating class. I was able to get my first Illustration job through that, which was nice.

Then, I went to Miami with my girlfriend around the weekend of my birthday. It was a pretty short vacation, because I started my new part time job the following Tuesday. Regardless, it was fun. I was most happy to see that my girlfriend had a good time and that my mom liked her.
While down there we went to Key West and took a sunset cruise and ate excellent sea food and key lime pie.

After that, I had a small little get together for my birthday. My girlfriend got to see my house and see some of my friends.

Did I mention that while I was down there, through a mistake on the part of the rental car company, I got to drive a mustang around for the price of a sedan. Yup.

When that was over, I took my girlfriend to the airport because she had to leave earlier than I did. Finally, for my last day, I celebrated the engagement of two of my Miami friends and got to finally do my own "Last Supper" birthday picture.

The second version is the "bizarro" version. Everyone is supposed to act like me, except me.

Sice then, I've been in New York working part time and trying to get my Illustration career started. So far not much has happened, but I did get one Illustration published...sorta. There was a mixup and the wrong version of my piece was published, but i was told by the client that for their online magazine, they will fix the error. I'll update the blog when that happens, but until then I'm putting what would've have been in print here and on my website.

I'm running out of time, so I'll edit later. But here are some things I've worked on/sketched lately.

Finally, I would like to make mention of an event that I will be performing at this coming Saturday. I'll be doing live painting for the Multihop event at Galapagos Art Space. The headliner for this event is Scratch of the Roots, and in addition to this there are many other things going on, body art, nail art, a fashion show, etc.
Here are the details...

Galapagos Art Space
70 North 6th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
United States
Also, anyone on my guest list gets in for $8, so please RSVP with you name if you will be coming.
Anyway, I could use your support! If you do come, it really does mean a lot to me.
To end, I have some extra pics on my flickr if you would like to see.
Galapagos Art Space
70 North 6th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
United States
Saturday Jun 30, 2007
at 10:00 PM
Anyway, today's updates serves two purposes.
The first is to update everyone on what I've been up to the past few weeks, i.e. a
photo dump.
The second is to make note of an event that I will taking part in this weekend.
Alright, on with the photos.
First, after I graduated, I had a small exhibition with my graduating class. I was able to get my first Illustration job through that, which was nice.
Then, I went to Miami with my girlfriend around the weekend of my birthday. It was a pretty short vacation, because I started my new part time job the following Tuesday. Regardless, it was fun. I was most happy to see that my girlfriend had a good time and that my mom liked her.
While down there we went to Key West and took a sunset cruise and ate excellent sea food and key lime pie.
After that, I had a small little get together for my birthday. My girlfriend got to see my house and see some of my friends.
Did I mention that while I was down there, through a mistake on the part of the rental car company, I got to drive a mustang around for the price of a sedan. Yup.
When that was over, I took my girlfriend to the airport because she had to leave earlier than I did. Finally, for my last day, I celebrated the engagement of two of my Miami friends and got to finally do my own "Last Supper" birthday picture.

The second version is the "bizarro" version. Everyone is supposed to act like me, except me.

Sice then, I've been in New York working part time and trying to get my Illustration career started. So far not much has happened, but I did get one Illustration published...sorta. There was a mixup and the wrong version of my piece was published, but i was told by the client that for their online magazine, they will fix the error. I'll update the blog when that happens, but until then I'm putting what would've have been in print here and on my website.

I'm running out of time, so I'll edit later. But here are some things I've worked on/sketched lately.

Finally, I would like to make mention of an event that I will be performing at this coming Saturday. I'll be doing live painting for the Multihop event at Galapagos Art Space. The headliner for this event is Scratch of the Roots, and in addition to this there are many other things going on, body art, nail art, a fashion show, etc.
Here are the details...

Galapagos Art Space
70 North 6th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
United States
Also, anyone on my guest list gets in for $8, so please RSVP with you name if you will be coming.
Anyway, I could use your support! If you do come, it really does mean a lot to me.
To end, I have some extra pics on my flickr if you would like to see.
Galapagos Art Space
70 North 6th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
United States
Saturday Jun 30, 2007
at 10:00 PM
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