Pratt Instituteから卒業しました。すっきりした。
Long time, right? I'm sorry that I haven't written in so long.
To tell you the truth, I'm pretty tired of saying that. It seems that phrase has been used quite often within my entries. But I was extremely busy with school.
It was ridiculous, I seriously has no life outside of school and was lucky to have somehow balanced my school life with everything else going on in my life.
But now I'm free.
Well, not exactly free, but I would say that things have gotten better. A little less stressful.
Of course, having not written for a while, a lot of things have happened. Unfortunately I don't really have time to write about them, or rather, I would like to space out my writings a bit. This would be too long an entry to write about everything that's happened to me lately.
I will present an outline of what has happened as of late though.
- I graduated from Pratt Institue. I am relieved.
- I completed a job for my first client. It's a magazine Illustration and should be published some time this month.
- I went to Miami with my girlfriend. We only spent about 2-3 days there, but it was enjoyable.
- I started a part time job. It's an adminstrative assistant job at the school I just graduated from. It's nice.
Other than that, I've decided to change my blog.
I'm still worried about my Japanese skills, and feel that I have to find a better method to improve.
One way to accomplish this is to get involved in Japanese activities and the like.
For this reason, I had registered with Mixi before but because of school I negliected to use much at all. Pretty much I had no time to use it, especially since my Japanese isn't that great, and it takes double if not more time to do things in comparison to english.
Well, I have time now, so I should use Mixi, right?
One of the main elements of mixi, I feel, is the blog. I would update it once in a while but a few months back I intergrated my blogger with the mixi blog so that it would link directly here. It was done in an effort to condense things and to give people on mixi access to my pictures since mixi only allows three small pictures to be posted but unfortunately it didn't prove effective. Even if I wrote in Japanese, in intergrating blogger with mixi, I seem to have separated my Japanese speaking friends unintentionally.
Possibly because commenting on blogger was a pain, or took too much time compared to mixi.
That said, I think that comments are important, particularly in keeping communication/relationships with my Japanese speaking friends on mixi.
I already had very few comments on my blog, but I had absolutely no comments from my Japanese friends since this intergration.
So I feel that I should be opening this blog up.
It could well be that no one will comment still, but my feeling says that I should do this regardless, less I alienate someone who may want to comment.
So, I'm going back to the blog included with mixi.
Of course, the contents will be pretty much the same, but for the sake of my Japanese friends I'll be separating the blogs.
To end, I would like to apologize to all my Japanese speaking friends.
I'm sorry that I was negligent in my correspondence/keeping in contact.
I was extremely busy before, please forgive my rudeness.
That is all.
If all goes well, I'll update once a week.
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