Although atrophied, I've decided to dust off my pencils and stretch my illustration muscles.
I did this previous weeks topic for Illustration Friday: entangled.
When I thought about this, what came to my mind was how I often feel entangled in my own thoughts. Though I've gotten better at not being in my own world all the time, this has been something that I've done since I was a child. Always in my head, thinking about something, oblivious to what most regular folk are concentrating on.
Because of this, I was the quiet kid for most of my life, and when asked, "Why don't you talk," I often replied that I had nothing to talk about. That was a half-truth...it was more that what I was thinking about was probably so out-there or personal that I don't think I could relate with that person.
In any case, this is how it's been. Sometimes I got tired of it, and thought it a curse, but I'm alright with it. I feel that it's much better to observe and reflect then to just talk, and I'd rather be the quiet guy than the blabbermouth. I'd rather have the few words that I do say be worth their weight in gold, instead of the value of peanuts.
So, I imagine that if someone looks at me when I'm in this state, I'm not more that a pair of eyes peering from a brain. Just observing and thinking.
The illustration could be pushed further, but I decided to just post what I have because i want to respect the deadline (though I barely made it).
If you have them to give, critiques are welcomed.