3 weeks ago I went to the Dumbo Arts festival. Dumbo arts is a collection of studios in Williamsburg, one of the neighborhoods in New York which seems to collect a sizeable amount of
residents involved in art. At that time, many of the studios were open for public viewing and in addition there were various performances and festival like activities.
Williamsburg is also, one of the places I really want to live in at the moment. When I first went there, there was something about the air that attracted me. More or less, after though, there was a girl that I really liked (still like her even though I know I shouldn't). But regardless it's still a pretty nice place to live.

name, but he looked like nicholas cage.
So basically, my journey went like this. It was a saturday, so I got up late as usual, and I headed towards my school for a reason I know have forgotten. Follwing that, I went to Dumbo and came across my fellow classmates who were on a field trip for their saturday 3-d design class.
I followed them for a bit, until the class was over. I'm sort of lacking in the friends department so I really didn't have much else to do after, and basically followed to of my classmates back to the area around my school and got something to eat by myself after they went home.
Again, I didn't have anything to do, so I went back to dumbo when it got dark and aimlessly walked around until I saw someone else I knew from school. I ended up not really doing much else after that, and went home somewhat late.
Anyway, it was still interesting to go to, maybe next year I'll find some more work that appeals to me more than this year.
Until then, here are some extra pics of Williamsburg and the festivities at the Dumbo Arts Festival. Click on them to make them bigger.

You and your art! What of us! What of 1021! Are we not beautiful enough for you!?! Boo Hoo HOo. Seriously though, cool pictures.
just fucking wait until i come to new york... i'll show it and you what art really is.
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