It's been a while hasn't it. Since I've been in New York I've gotten more and more and busy and have had to adjust my life to a different speed that I was used to living in Florida. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately...) one of the results of this has been that I've been distanced from the internet.
I hardly download anything (Shock!!), I rarely use AIM (I've opted for MSN), son't reallyt use mixi, myspace, facebook, etc. and I just don't have the arsenal of crazy videos and sites that I used to in college (don't you miss that carolina?).
But in my life there have been several significant changes for the better. For instance, I'm generally content. Actually that can be a bad thing, cause as an artist I'm supposed to have lots of grief to create art with, but I digress...
I also have had a girlfriend since may or so. That's going pretty well, and I feel pretty lucky to have such a patient, nice, and beautiful girlfriend.
So with that said. What have I been up to?
Uhhh...a lot, but it's too much to go into I guess. I'll just briefly go over what I did during the summer.
For the most part I was working as an assistant at my school. Getting my bills paid and doing a whole lot of nothing, which was pretty nice actually. For a 9 to 5 it wasn't so bad; I enjoyed it. At one point I ended up getting an internship as a graphic designer, which didn't really seem to fit for me, so I ended up leaving due to time contstraints and it not fitting into my "occupational road map" so to speak.
I also ended up getting two new roomates, both are my friends for highschool and that has been working out quite nicely. My apartment is pretty pimp right now.
So basically I've been having a decent time...but my life is never without problems.
I had a lot of it concerning my apartment, was worried about losing it a few times, and in fact I still am slightly worried but for the most part it seems that I'll be here for another year.
Anyway, with all that out there, let's get to the dessert you've all been waiting for.
I started new semester, so that means new drawings and paintings...

My first assignment for my printmaking class. A simple collagraph with found objects.

New painting #1. Our first assignment was to do a greyscale painting, I didn't have black on me and didn't feel like mixing it, so I did a monotone in blue. Oh this was done in less that 3 hours btw.

The first assignment for editorial illustration 1, a simple black and white portrait. I did Johnny Knoxville and Steve-O. The picture was modeled off of a pic of spanky and alfalfa from the little rascals I found on the net, it was fitting for the oft childish antics of the jackass crew. Waterproof ink on watercolor paper.

The second painting assignment, this time we could do full color. I still limited my palette though, since I used blue, I thought I would make a warm pallete for this one. This was also done in less that 3 hours, cause I don't play around when it comes to painting.

Finally, we have what I'm working on now. This is an illustration for Advertising Illustration 1. It's supposed to be a travel piece. I chose Miami. I still have a bit a work to do, but I think it's shaping up nicely. Acrylic on doublethick illustraion board.
Surprisingly, I don't miss it either. I haven't enjoyed the internet as much lately...kinda sucks to be an adult sometimes. :(
the bottom one is the one, you should purchase a hand gun to handle your drama ajani
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