Now for the english.
I realize that my english is going to be lot more in depth than Japanese above, so bear with me. Also, I've now decided to write in Japanese first. The reason for this is because I'm trying to improve my Japanese, and I think that it doesn't help me to write in english first and then to essentially translate my english to Japanese. A key to learning a language is to think naturally in that language. So if I can form my writing in Japanese first then write as I please in english after I think I my Japanese comprehension and ability will be more...fluid.
Anyway, it's been a long time. I haven't written in quite a while, so again my title features that sentiment. But I'm really going to try and update more often for myself and just for anybody that may actually read this.
Between the last time I wrote and now, a lot has happened. I guess that's a natural thing since I've come to New York.
Anyway, I won't bore you with the everything. I'm just going to talk about the bigger things that have happened.
The first thing concerns my Japanese. Ah, Japanese... I have studied you for more than six years and I am nowhere near mastering you. You would think after all this time I would be a little better at it. Yes, I can understand it fairly well. I can watch Japanese TV and movies and understand enough to figure out what's going on, I play Japanese text based games and quiz games on my DS, and I'm a veritable wealth of useless Japanese knowledge.
But somehow my Japanese abilities are lacking. Writing the above was a chore, and I tried to communicate my feelings as I would like to, but even I can see that it's somewhat of a clunky mess. It even took me a while to write, mostly trying to remember how to say this and that. Speaking is the worst. Though lately I've been making more of an effort with this and I would like to thank my language partner Shiori and my girlfriend Junko for this...it still kind of sucks. When confronted with a Japanese speaker I usually shy away from using any Japanese. Partly because I'm a perfectionist in a way and if I say one thing in Japanese from that point on I want everything to be perfect. When I do try my Japanese is broken and stilted, and I feel kind of stupid.
I don't think most people really care, but I don't want to be on the same level as any regular guy or american otaku who took japanese for a year.
I do not want to be that guy.
Anyway, it's left me a bit embarrassed and disappointed. The thing is that it seems to work in a circular fashion.
My japanese starts of terrible, and noticing it I try to improve by furiously studying. After becoming decent I tend to forget a lot of stuff and study less because I get busy or because of a multitude of reasons. Thus the cycle begins again.
I've probably exaggerated, but the point is that I don't have a stable of level of Japanese facility. Most likely this can be attributed to the fact that I've never spent a long period of time in Japan, but I digress...
I brought this up because last year I took the Japanese Proficiency Exam (2nd level) and I got the results a few weeks ago. I failed. The main reason being that on the listening comprehension part I realized on the last question that I had skipped one answer bubble. To further things, I had a bad eraser. The end result was an answer sheet that was a cloudy black mess.
But honestly, the scores for the other parts weren't exactly perfect either. So no matter what, it seems like I failed.
Looking at the condition of things, I just have to try harder it seems and I think the first step to this is to write in Japanese as much as possible using this blog.
Well, I guess at this point there's nothing I really can do except try my best...I really do want to improve my Japanese.
Next, I would like to say that I have finally created and posted my website. I'm pretty excited to have it up. I've been saying I was going to do it forever and now that it's up it's a relief. It's my first step into the world of Illustration/employment.
I also feel relieved that it came out nicely in my opinion. Looking at it my pride has risen and I have a bit of confidence that I can at least get a job or two in Illustration. Before I was really worried about whether or not I would fail and have to end up in a really bad job.
But now everything is ok.
Well that's all for now. Until next time.
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