So, a few days ago I did a self portrait as a white day present for my girlfriend. It came out ok, but in all honesty I didn't really like it. Something about it was off, but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it.
There were some obvious things, like the proportions of some the facial features were off, but that's wasn't what was bothering me.
Anyway, this has been in the back of my mind until today. But today I finally figured it out while at work.
Today I did almost nothing at work. The weather was terrible today and no one was in the building today because of that. To defeat my boredom I used the awesome power of the internet and searched through a multitude of illustration sites.
Then it hit me.
"That's it!"
It turns out that my painting are overly complicated. Specifically, the colors are too complicated and bordering on muddy.
My technique usually follows the basic methods of painting. Dark to light, shadows to highlights and in that line of thought, using colors to set the space of things. Blue appears the furtherst to eye and yellow appears the closest. So as an example, a shadow with a dark blue (blue and black) tint sits back more, and a highlight with light yellow (yellow and white)well appear closest, and it makes things "pop" as my former teacher and acclaimed Illustrator Jim Burke would often say.
I'm doing all this, but in my paintings I seem to be overdoing it...
So, the answer to all this is to just make things more simple. A lot of the illustrations I looked at seemed to have this to them and mine was missing that.
It could be said that this is the way that I work, but I don't think it is. By going simple I not only improve but I would create unity between my paintings and sketches.
Many people have been impressed by my sketches and often using words such as "fresh" and "natural." ...well, I agree with them and I even think that my sketches are in some ways better looking than my paintings. Actually, not even that, my sketches are more stylistic and represent me to a better degree than my paintings I feel.
With that said, I believe core property of my sketches are that they are simple. They more than often have to be that way since most of them are subway sketches. I have only a few moments at times to capture a likeness. Somehow this seems to create something beautiful to me.
So, I have to somehow make my paintings closer to this. I have to evoke that simplicity.
Anyway, during work I tried to do a little color practice to kinda of try someting closer to what I was talking about. It's going to take a while, but I have to improve my paintings.
...not to say that I don't think my portfolio is good, but it could be better, I'm here to be a professional.
I'll be graduating soon, but my education isn't limited to the confines of school itself.
Ah...well, other than that, I'm still continuing with the Japanese writing. I'm surprised that such a small passage took so much time to do. But if I keep it up, hopefully the process will continue to get more streamlined.
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