Monday, September 22, 2008

Memes I've missed

Sorry for the random post.

There are a lot of things going on for me here in Japan, but I'll start writing about that in due time. I got internet rather recently and it's bit hard to organize myself, start writing, and get the ball rolling.

In the mean time, via Lifehacker, I found the Internet Meme Timeline featured on the Wired Blog, and created by BK Gupta of Dipity.

Looking at it, I noticed a few memes that I missed in the past year.
So, I present them to you, my reader(s).

First, is Yo Tengo Miedo. Which was interesting to me because it was a meme in Spanish (Mexican, I believe.) It's interesting to see the memes that each section of the world has. Of course there were some other foreign language means that were brought to my attention, but I can somewhat understand what's going on in this one.

Basically, this guy is being stopped by the police for being drunk, and I guess they want to do a breathalyzer test on him. He displays his degree of inebriation by constantly say, "I'm scared, I'm scared" and so on.

Next is a video that features IT/Helpdesk humor, which I found amusing. I worked briefly as a tech in college, I didn't do very advanced work...but I understand how things are. Actually, if you've worked with people or in the service industry you should understand this.

Finally, is the most recent meme that I've missed. Which is that Oprah got pranked by Anonymous. I'm not going to explain about this. I'll just provide the necessary links and you can learn on your own.! (ads are nsfw, click at your own risk.)


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