Sunday, January 18, 2009

2008 Review in Pictures part 3- Animal Pictures

So, last time I posted some Illustrations I did for the school newspaper and I believe that I mentioned that many other Illustrations were requested of me throughout my time at that school.

One such of those was a series of Illustrations depicting animals. The purpose of these was just to have some cards to use for naming animals in English for some Elementary school students that were visiting the middle school I was working at.

I'm not sure if it's a normal thing, but at my school, they had one day where students that would be coming to our school the following year would visit.

Actually...come to think of it, I remember doing something similar when I was in elementary school, and middle school.

Anyway, so I and a fellow teacher were put in charge of giving an English lesson to the students. Part of my responsibility was to make the cards that you will see below.

I had fun making these, though some of them could've been better. I was satisfied with most of them though.

Before leaving the school to teach at the school that I'm currently teaching at, I gave away most of these cards and the bear cards that I posted before to the teachers and students as mementos.

1 comment:

Alec Longstreth said...

These are really great Ajani! I especially love that dog. :) It's cool that you were able to do some illustrations for the school!